Seat Allocation

Returns an optimised seat allocation for a flight, maximising social distancing based on the calculated risk factor.

Anonymised Passenger Data:

  • Age
  • Booking
  • Service Special Requests
  • Itinerary

Aircraft ID

Flight Details

    "passengers": [
            "id": "PAS-1",
            "groupId": "BOOKING-1",
            "itinerary": [
                    "departure": "ES",
                    "arrival": "GB"
            "id": "PAS-2",
            "groupId": "BOOKING-1",
            "age": "8",
            "itinerary": [
                    "departure": "ES",
                    "arrival": "GB"
            "id": "PAS-3",
            "age": "34",
            "itinerary": [
                    "departure": "SK",
                    "arrival": "ES"
                    "departure": "ES",
                    "arrival": "GB"
    "aircraftCode": "333",
    "itinerary": {
        "departure": "ES",
        "arrival": "GB"

Note: we rely on 3rd party systems, it might take a few seconds

Get Passenger Seat

Returns the seating information of a passenger given a seat allocation id. The seat allocation id is returned in the "Seat Allocation" endpoint.


  • Passenger ID
  • Seat ID

    "passengerId": 1,
    "seatAllocationId": 1

Get Seat Map Allocation

Returns the seat allocation generated by the "Seat Allocation" endpoint and the aircraft seat map.


  • ID

    "seatAllocationId": 234324